Versions Compared


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  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

There may be circumstances when you need to amend an extension that has been granted to a student. This outlines the correct procedure to do this.


This process is not appropriate if the assignment is a group submission activity. Extensions granted to individuals in a group submission activity are not observed. In this case the group overrides function should be used to give the whole group a different due date.

Normally extensions would be requested by the student via the Myplace Extension Request form that is displayed on assignments.

When the request is granted either the date requested by the student is given or an alternative date set by the member of staff is.

Sometimes it is necessary to amend an extension that has been given, for instance the granted date may be slightly wrong. In this case it is uncessary for the student to make a new request.


If a student is requesting an extension via telephone or face-to-face, you should not use this method as it leaves no audit trail of the request.

Instead use the Grant Staff Extension Request option via the Extension Requests in the Assignment Administration panel:


Amending an extension date

In this example an extension has been granted to a student for 11:40 on 6th May 2020, when it should have been for 11:45.

The student has however submitted the piece of work and it is appearing as late.

Student's submission view

Step 1

This is easily amended without creating a new extension request.

Step 2

Click on the Edit menu and select Grant Extension

Step 3

This will display the standard Moodle extension form.

Amend the Extension Due date to 3rd February 2020 14:45 and check that the Enable option is checked.

Click on the Save Changes button

Step 4

The extension has now been updated to the correct time but the Late Submission Penalty is still showing as 10%.

It is necessary to tell Myplace to update the Penalty that has been incurred.


You can view the late penalty as calculated at submission by clicking on the View submission magnifiying glass icon under the 1st Late Submission column.

The Late Submission penalty incurred and applied to the grade is displayed in the second late submissions column

Staff assignment view

Student's submission view

Student Submission View

Step 5

On the assignment submissions table, tick the checkbox  in the Select column.

This will highlight the student's submission.

Select the Recalculate Penalties option in the With selected... menu and click on the Go button

Step 6

Confirm that you want the penalties to be re-calculated.


This will queue a task to update the penalties and it may take a few minutes for Myplace to processes this.

At the moment there isn't a status to indicate this

Step 7

Once the task has completed the Late Submission Penalty will be updated.


If the submission has already been graded the new penalty (or no penalty) will be re-applied to the grade awarded initially.