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This article refers to transferring course data from one to another.

Course activities and resources may be imported from any other course that the teacher has editing permissions in. This will allow teachers to re-use instead of re-creating one or more activities or resources.

Import course data is similar to a backup and restore process and does not include any user data.

This article contains information on:

  • How to Import Activities or Resources
  • Examples and Tips


How to import Activities or Resources

Within the class page you would like to import the course data into, Click Class Administration in the Administration Block, Click on the Import link



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You will then be presented with the Backup Settings page as shown below, Use the check boxes for import activities, blocks and or filters as types of items which will show on the next screen



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Select the elements you wish to include in the Import within the Schema settings step



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Review and Click Perform import or Click the cancel or previous buttons. The confirmation page will place green check marks and red marks next to the backup settings and include item list for you to review as shown below



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You will then see the following message: Import Complete. Click continue to return to the course


Examples and Tips

  • Importing a Quiz from course A to course B, will also add the questions to the question bank so you can use them in new quizzes.
  • Tip: Groups can also be imported as a batch from a file.
  • Tip: It may be necessary to check all Activities (Forums, Assignments, etc.) to assure they are now using HTML format.



1) From the administration block in the class you want to import materials into, click 'import'. 

Click any image below to enlarge.

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2) Search for the class that has the existing content in it that you want to import from and click continue. 

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3) Select the class from the list using the selection point highlighted and click 'continue'.

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4) Select which elements of the class you want to import from the tick boxes and the click 'Next'. 


If you want to import the entire contents of a class, you can click 'Jump to Final Step' at this point. If you want to choose just some parts of the content of the other class, click 'Next'.

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5) Untick all the sections (highlighted by a square) and/or individual items that you do not want imported. 


If you untick the section tickboxes, you do not need to untick the individual items, the import process will leave out that entire section.

Then scroll to the bottom and click 'next' 

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6) You'll then come to the 'confirmation' screen which will show you exactly what you've chosen to import. If you are happy with this, scroll to the bottom and click 'Perform Import'. 



The imported material will automatically import into the same section (numerically) as it was in the previous class. So if it's in section 3, it will appear in the 3rd section of the class you are importing into.

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7) On the next screen you'll see a timer bar counting down as it completes the import procedure. 

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8) Click continue to return to the course.

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Filter by label (Content by label)
labelsstaff classes importing