If not, click 'Marks Return Admin' and then click 'Edit' for the marks return you want to add marks to.
Step 2 - Enter Marks
Next to each student name and registration number, there is a blank box and a dropdown menu. You can add or edit the mark in the blank box.
Step 3 - Enter Mark Codes
The dropdown menu provides the four options for mark codes:
ABS - Absent
EN - Extension
EX - Exempt Assessment
FO - Failed Overall
ABS and EN mark codes do not take a mark and trying to send one with these mark codes selected will result in an error and your work will not be saved to the system.
Similarly, EX and FO require a mark and will return an error without one.
Step 4 - Save the Marks Return
When you are finished, save the marks return using the menu at the bottom of the page.