- To see the class, including activities, from the point of view of a student.
- In effect to 'become' a student in your class.
- This can be used to confirm that the settings you use have the effect you're hoping for.
Click on any image below to enlarge
1) From the administration block in any class click on Users>Enrolled users
2) Search for yourself in the Enrolled Users page
3) Give yourself the student role by clicking on the
icon and then clicking the blue button below that says 'student'.You will now have dual roles in the class - both tutor and student.
The system will always default you to having the permissions of the highest level that you are assigned, to change this you'll have to 'switch role'
4) Back in the main class page when you want to check the main class page, gradebook or some activity you can now 'switch role' to student and you will see the class as the students see it. When you want to go back to your usual role, just click 'Return to my normal role' from the same menu which can be accessed by clicking your name in the top right hand corner. (see image on the right of this section)
If you are using groups in a class, remember to add yourself to the same group as the student you want to 'view as' as all the group restrictions will apply when you switch roles. One way of doing this is in the Enrolled Users page. when you are giving yourself a student role.