This article refers to how you can dock and undock your MyPlace blocks to the side of the your screen so as to have a much more clear, lean User Interface when using MyPlace.
Blocks were created to make it easier to experience Myplace, they are able to take you to different places on the site more efficiently. You can choose the blocks that you want on your Myplace and the places in which you see them, to do this see Customising your homepage which will explain how to do this. When blocks are not needed or you would like to temporary put them off your screen, you can dock them on the side of your page.
What are they and where to find them
Blocks are the sections that you see to the right and left of your class list (on your homepage) or the central panel containing class content. Commonly seen blocks are Navigation, Administration, Useful Links, My Coursework, My Timetable and Messages.
Class-specific blocks
The blocks a student sees in a class will depend on what blocks are made available to you by the tutor/admin staff.
Docking a block
Docking a block will minimise it and 'stick' it to the left hand side as a tab. To dock a block, click
You are able to dock as many blocks are you want and they will remained stored on the side of the screen until you click the undock icon.
To undock them all you have to do is click on the relevant minimised block that you would like to see open.
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the icon . To 'undock' it, just click on the tab and click the icon.
Undocked Docked To Undock
Minimising a block
Minimising a block will just make it smaller but it will remain in the same position. To minimise a block click the icon and to expand the block click the icon.
You can dock or minimise as many blocks as you like. Except the Administration block, which can only be minimised.
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