- Be responsible for any content you create within Myplace; emails, discussion postings, blogs and wikis other similar communication tools. The University reserves the right to remove inappropriate content.
- Remember that in accordance with the University Policy on the Use of Computing Facilities and Resources unacceptable use is not permitted.
- Do not violate, plagiarise or infringe the rights of third parties including those covered by copyright, trademarks and privacy legislation. When posting material please ensure that either you own the copyright (as you have created it) or you have obtained permission from the copyright owner or one of the licences held by the University allows the material to be reused.
- Remember that in accordance with the University Policy on the Use of Computing Facilities and Resources you must not create, store or distribute information that is offensive, obscene or indecent. Please notify your course tutor if you spot any offensive material within Myplace.
- Do not share your login details with other users, impersonate someone or adopt an inappropriate user name.
- Remember that failure to comply with the conditions in this document or the University Policy on the Use of Computing Facilities and Resources may lead to disciplinary procedures being invoked as set out in the University Calendar, Part 1, Regulation 5.2
Student Conduct in the online learning environment
The University of Strathclyde is committed to equality for all people irrespective of their protected characteristics of age, disability, gender reassignment, sex, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership and pregnancy and maternity.
Making any inappropriate or offensive comments on Myplace and University social media pages are in breach of the University Dignity and Respect Policy and will be dealt with accordingly.
The University relies on electronic tools for communication between students and members of staff as part of your learning experience. It allows you the opportunity to communicate with your classmates and tutor anytime whether you are on or off campus.
- Always maintain a respectful tone and be patient as users of all abilities may be participating.
- Do not use BLOCK capitals as this can be interpreted as shouting, if you want to emphasise a point use *asterisks* instead.
- Do not reveal your personal information (home address, date of birth, phone number etc.) or post other peoples personal information online.
- In discussion forums keep your messages to the point and state who the message or post is coming from and add a descriptive title
- Do not immediately respond to an inflammatory message; think about what you have written before you post it. If you wouldn’t say it face to face then do not post it.
Note that the University also has a classroom protocol which applies in the face to face setting.
Help and advice
For help using Myplace please contact the IT helpdesk: