Myplace Student Dashboard

Myplace Student Dashboard

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About the Myplace Student Dashboard

The Myplace Student Dashboard is an area which you can access through the 'My Coursework' block on your homepage. It provides more detailed feedback and access to all your assignments from one page rather than visiting all the individual class pages you are enrolled on.

By clicking on 'New student dashboard' you'll be able to access the dashboard which has 4 main features:

  • Deadlines
  • Feedback
  • Logins to Myplace
  • Submitted work


Similar to the current 'My Coursework' block, displaying items which are overdue and due soon, but with an added link to 'View All Deadlines' which will take you to a full calendar for the year with deadlines displayed for all assignments.


A block which will display Feedback on assignments, including grades and written feedback that you haven't viewed yet.

Clicking on 'View All Activities' will take you to a page showing all assignments with an indication of submission status and if you have accessed your feedback or not.

Logins to Myplace

This is a frequency graph which you can switch between per hours (in a day) or per days (in a month) to provide feedback of how frequently you are using Myplace at different times. 

Submitted work

Another graph giving you information on your percentage of submitted and not submitted work.