This glossary specifically applies to the corp.myplace service.
A Moodle/Myplace area used to deliver content / teaching for a programme or module.
See Module Code
Master Business Administration (Degree)
Master of Science (Degree)
A unit of teaching.
A class site that provides a shared space to support a specific module, typically identified by a module-code
An identifier from the University' Class Catalogue that identifies a specific unit of teaching. Typically in the form XX999, or XX9999-1-1-ACADYY-YY.
Also known as a "class code".
A defined programme of study.
A class site that provides a shared space to support a specific Programme or programmes (including variants of a programme).
All students undertaking a Programme/Programme Variant will be associated with exactly 1 Programme Class.
The Programme class also defines the branding elements, including highlight colour and partner branding options.
A University code that identifies a specific "programme of study". Typically in the form 99999,9,9.
A version of a programme that differs slightly from a main programme. The difference may be in terms of cohort, branding or both.
Strathclyde Business School