This guide is intended to show you the steps involved in doing basic edits of your videos in the Video Editor in Windows 10.

To find Video Editor, type in 'Video Editor' into the search bar in the toolbar at the bottom of your screen.

When you open up windows video editor you arrive at the page below. Click on the box which says ‘New Video Project’

After you have clicked on 'New Video Project' the software will open up and first of all it will ask you to name your video. It's a good idea to give your video a unique name, including your class code, so you can organise your videos once they have been edited.

The Editor Window

Once you have names your video, you need to familiarise yourself with the format of software window. For those who have used video editing software before, this should be pretty straightforward, for those who haven't this is a very basic setup so wont be too difficult to get to grips with.

A. Project Library

This is where all the clips are stored which will be used in the project. At the moment it should just contain the clip you have just imported in the previous step. From here these clips can be used to build up your project

B. Storyboard

In professional video editing, this area is generally called a 'Timeline' however windows video editor calls it a storyboard. In here all the different elements of your video are place and ordered or re-ordered to create your edit.

C. Viewer Window.

The largest window in the software, this is where the video is played back. This window has a timeline and a play button underneath and will play through the clips that have been arranged in the storyboard.

D. Tools

Video editor has a few basic tools to help with the editing process. The majority of the tools will only become visible once there is a clip in the Storyboard.

Add title card - This tool allows you to add a title card to your video

Trim - This tool allows you to cut your clips down by trimming the beginning and end from a clip.

Split - This tool allows you to split your video clip into two separate clips

Motion - Allows you to animate your video around the screen

3D Effects - Applies rudimentary 3D graphics to your video.

Filters - Applies different colour/tonal filters to your clip

Speed - Allows you to change the speed of the selected video clip

Importing your Video

Now you are familiar with the software interface. You will want to import your video files. 

To do this, in the Project LIbrary you should click the Add button in the top left corner and then select From this PC.

Once you have clicked on this button, a explorer window will appear allowing you to navigate to where your video is saved. When you find your video file. Select it and then click on Open.

Your video clip should now be in the Project Libray as pictured below. You can repeat this process if you need to add additional files to your video. For example if you want to edit together two video clips into one.

Trimming your clip

Once you have your video clip added to the Project. The first thing you will want to do is trim off the start and end so to cut out any extra footage you don't want to see in the video. For example, if there is a bit of video of you turning the camera on or walking into shot at the beginning, or the opposite at the end.

Firstly we need to drag our clip from the Project Library to the Storyboard as pictured below.

With the correct click selected (With a coloured line underneath) click on Trim from the Toolbar.

This will launch the trim window where your clip will take up the majority of the screen. 

Use the red handles at either end of the timeline to trim your clip, if you pull the left handle to the right this will trip the beginning of your clip, and if you pull the right handle to the left this will trim the end of your clip.