Once the submission has been generated this will open a new page with the progress review template. The WBLA will be able to complete fields marked “To be completed by: University Mentor”. Namely, these fields will be information about the meeting including apprentice name, WBLA name, and Employer mentor name, meeting date etc. Once the fields are completed, “save and release” will then add them to the template shared with the apprentice.
Sharing is set to auto submit, the WBLA will not need to individually share the template with anyone.
Should any of the fields need edited after save and release is selected there will be a full audit trail alongside date and time stamps. Selecting “assessor history” will show the date/time of changes and as well as previous comments / edits.
Once the form is shared from the apprentice to the employer all three will be able to make changes only to their relevant fields (E.g. an apprentice cannot complete a field marked to be completed by the employer and visa versa.